How To Survive Your First Invitational Swim Meet
Going to your first invitational meet is fun, exciting, and slightly terrifying for new parents. I’m not going to lie to you, at first it is going to be stressful but never fear if you prepare properly and embrace the experience you’ll be an old pro at this meet stuff in no time. So today […]
How to Stay in your Swim Team Communication Loop
Whether you are brand new to the swimming world or a long time veteran, staying informed of what’s going on with your team is a must. Good teams are fast paced and always have something going on. Whether it’s pictures, meets sign ups, social events, practice changes, t-shirt sales, meet results, there is always something […]
How to Care for your Swim Suit & Save Money
Swimming, as I’m sure you are learning, is an expensive sport. So for a lot of us it is important to figure out how to save money. One way to do that is to learn about proper swim suit care. Believe it or not, having separate competition and practice suits and learning to properly take care […]
The Top 11 Cringe Worthy Swim Parents
Every team has a few parents that the rest of us cringe at every time they walk into the room. As we explore the concepts of swim meet and swim parent etiquette we will be talking a lot about these types of moms and dads and how to avoid becoming one of them. So today […]
Preparing for your First Swim Team Practice
The first practice is kind of like the first day of school, both exciting and a little scary for both swimmers and parents. It can be worse if you have no experience with swimming and you have no idea what to expect. While every team is different and you should find out exact details from your team, […]
How to Read a Swim Meet Entry
If your team uses the very popular HyTech Meet Manager and Team Manager software, as almost all teams in our area do, then when you see the events posted for meets you will see a list of swimmers ordered alphabetically by last name with entries that look like the following: (Note that this is the […]
How to Choose a Swim Team
Swimming is an awesome sport for kids. Among other things, it should teach good work ethic, sportsmanship, teamwork, and discipline. However choosing a good team that fits both your swimmer’s and your family’s needs is critical to your swimmers success and enjoyment of the sport. It’s also critical to mom and dad’s sanity! The fact […]
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